Discover the power

of microdosing!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to expand, improve, and heal your mind?

Our on-line program is designed to guide beginners and practitioners through the world of microdosing with expert-led education and supportive community sharing.

Here’s how you can start your path to personal evolution:

1. Sign Up

Sign up for our microdosing member program. With no strings attached, you have the freedom to cancel anytime.

2. Three-Minute Quiz (Optional)

Begin with a simple three-minute quiz designed to understand your goals and tailor your microdosing journey accordingly.

3. Start Course & Workbook (Optional)

Receive an in-depth course workbook complete with an outline for meditation and microdosing, providing you with structured guidance and practical tips to maximize your experience.

4. Receive Magic Mushrooms (Colorado Residents Only)

We will share with you the unmatched quality of our magic mushrooms, featuring world-class ingredients, exceptional taste, precise dosing, and extraordinary experiences.

5. Join Weekly Mastermind (Optional)

Engage with our weekly mastermind sessions to share experiences, gain insights, and connect with like-minded individuals on a similar path.

6. Attend Monthly Events (Optional)

Partake in our monthly events designed to deepen your understanding, expand your network, and solidify your practice.By joining our program, you’ll be stepping into a world of self-discovery and community support.

Microdosing Member

Tech, Tools, and Therapies


At MYMYNDPROJECT, we stand firmly behind the efficacy and transformative power of our digital programs. Having witnessed the profound positive changes in the lives of thousands of individuals, we are deeply committed to our mission and are confident in the impact our programs can have on your relationships, health, wealth, and overall well-being.

Microdosing Community

  Expert Advice And Resources On Microdosing

  Mynd Infused Mushroom Gummies

Daily Meditations: Start each day centered and calm with a new meditation designed to gradually improve your focus and inner peace, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

Bi-Weekly Reading Subscription: Receive carefully selected reading material every two weeks, enriching your knowledge and supporting your meditation practice with cutting-edge insights and ancient wisdom.

Private Blogs: Get exclusive access to members-only blog posts, featuring deep dives into meditation techniques, personal growth stories, and practical advice for living mindfully.

Free Attendance To Monthly Events: Enjoy complimentary tickets to our monthly events, including seminars, guest speaker series, and special meditation gatherings, enhancing community connection and learning.

Direct Expert Access: Connect with meditation experts and coaches who can guide you through personal challenges, ensuring your practice remains effective and rewarding.

Daily Integration Tips: Receive practical advice on incorporating meditation into your daily life, enhancing your overall wellness and ability to handle stress with ease.

Progress Visualization: Use our personalized tracking tools to measure your growth, witness your progress, and stay motivated by the tangible benefits of your practice.

On-Demand Flexibility: Meditate on your own schedule with our on-demand meditation resources, ensuring you can maintain regular practice, regardless of your lifestyle.

Members-Only Retreats: Receive special invitations to exclusive retreats that offer deep dives into meditation practice and the opportunity to connect with fellow members in serene settings.

Complementary Growth Materials: Enjoy a handpicked selection of supplemental content that supports your broader personal development goals, making your meditation practice part of a comprehensive life-enhancing toolkit.

Begin by gauging your self-awareness. Where are you on your conscious journey?

Guided Questions for Intention Setting

By pondering these inquiries, you pave the path for your inner and spiritual evolution. Establishing intentions not only illuminates your path but also steers you confidently on your voyage of self-discovery.

Scored between

Reflection: At this level, it seems you’re navigating through feelings of doubt, introspection, or the influence of external factors.

Acknowledgment: Are there specific events or situations that have recently caused you emotional pain or confusion?

Understanding Self: Can you identify patterns in your thinking or behavior that keep you feeling stuck or overwhelmed?

Perspective Shift: What is one positive thing you've discovered about yourself recently?

Desired Changes: If there was one aspect of your life you could change right now, what would it be?

First Step: What small action can you take today towards that change?

Reflection: You’re transitioning towards a more balanced and self-aware state of consciousness. This stage holds the potential for growth.

Taking Stock: What recent experiences have given you insights into your beliefs or behavior?

Balancing Act: How can you better balance introspection with external interactions to enrich your experiences?

Areas for Growth: What skills or attributes would you like to develop or strengthen?

Connection: Who in your life can support or assist you in this journey?

Manifesting Intentions: Write down a daily mantra or intention that resonates with your current state.

Reflection: Your awareness seems heightened, and you’re aligned with your surroundings. It appears you’re proactive, with a deeper understanding of life’s nuances.

Deep Dive: How do you currently nourish your mental and emotional well-being?

Greater Alignment: Are there areas in your life where your actions aren't aligning with your beliefs or values?

Expanding Horizons: How can you further challenge or expand your current perspectives or beliefs?

Service to Others: Is there a way you can guide or support others based on your understanding and experiences?

Legacy: What do you want to be remembered for, and how can you work towards that every day?

Did you know? Our neural pathways thrive on reflection, helping solidify intentions and actions.

Unlock a Higher Level of Consciousness and Transform Your Life!

In today’s fast-paced world, tapping into your highest potential requires more than just hustle and grind. It calls for a deep connection with your inner self, a heightened awareness, and strategies that challenge conventional wisdom. Welcome to a community where we embrace the power of meditation, mindset, and microdosing as transformative tools to elevate every aspect of your life.
Whether you’re looking to expand your wealth, foster meaningful relationships, or achieve optimal health and vitality, our mastermind community is here to support and elevate your journey. Engage with open-minded individuals who, like you, are on a quest to live life on their own terms, to be the best version of themselves, and to create ripples of positive change in the world.

Trust in the process. Believe in yourself. Embrace the transformation. Welcome to our community of visionary game-changers.

Flexible Time

Self-learned coursework models offer the unparalleled advantage of flexible time, allowing learners to progress at their own pace. This adaptability fosters a personalized educational experience, ensuring optimal comprehension and mastery of the material.

Reduce Stress

Flexible, self-learned and in person sessions allow learners to navigate their educational journey at their own pace. This personalized approach minimizes the pressures of stringent deadlines, thereby significantly reducing stress and enhancing overall learning experience.

Life balancing

Self-learned sessions empower individuals to harmoniously integrate education into their daily lives. This flexible approach fosters a balance between personal, professional, and academic pursuits, cultivating a more fulfilling and well-rounded life experience.

Harness the plasticity of your brain for deep self-discovery and expansion.


Inspired by Dr. David R. Hawkins’ groundbreaking model of consciousness, our program is designed to elevate your mindset to unprecedented heights. Our unique approach incorporates potent tools like breathwork and gratitude practices. Similarly, gratitude exercises shift your focus from the negative to the positive, fostering an environment of growth and positivity.


The stillness that unveils genius. Regular meditation not only reduces stress and anxiety but also boosts creativity and clarity. By mastering the art of being present, you cultivate a fertile ground for your most profound insights and intuition. Breathwork is not just a technique but a gateway to emotional regulation and clarity, enabling you to transition smoothly through consciousness levels.


The community provides a dedicated platform for individuals intrigued by microdosing. Grounded in rigorous research, the community emphasizes the cognitive and psychological advantages of microdosing when approached with safety, consistency. MYND is expertly crafted to create the most consistent and enjoyable total body experience, time after time. Formulated using only the highest quality natural ingredients, the finest cultivated genetics, and delicately handcrafted by a Michelin-star awarded chocolatier

Are you ready to transcend the ordinary and step into the extraordinary?

Join us, and together, let’s shape a future where we not only dream big but also manifest those dreams into our lived reality.

Whether you're seeking personal growth, healing, or an expanded state of consciousness, our microdosing program is your gateway to a revitalized MYND!”

Sign up today and begin your journey to a more expansive, improved, and healed self.

What People Are Saying

My Mynd Project helps people improve, expand, and heal their minds through a safe and consistent micro-dosing experience.

Community connection
strengthens the oxytocin pathways