Your Guide to Conscious Exploration

Helping people improve, expand, and heal their minds through safe and consistent microdosing experiences.

Your Reason
For Being - Ikigai

What does ikigai mean? Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your ‘reason for being. ‘ ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss.

Embark On YOUR Personal Transformation

Step 1 :

Take the Consciousness Quiz

Discover Where You Stand
What does ikigai mean? Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your ‘reason for being. ‘ ‘Iki’ in Japanese means ‘life,’ and ‘gai’ describes value or worth. Your ikigai is your life purpose or your bliss.


Step 2 :

Discover Your Intention

Set Course To Expanding Consciousness

Reflect on your quiz results and pinpoint areas in your life you wish to transform. 

For OPTIMAL Results on our platform: Explore these five beginner example questions designed to tailor meditations to elevate your habits and consciousness:

  1. Self-Reflection : What is one aspect of my life I feel most compelled to change or improve?
  2. Daily Habits : Are there moments in my day where I feel most stressed or overwhelmed? When are they, and what triggers them?
  3. Emotional Barometer : Which emotions do I most frequently experience that I’d like to understand or manage better?
  4. Connection and Relationships : Is there a relationship in my life that I want to strengthen or heal?
  5. Mindfulness Goals : What are my primary objectives for microdosing? (e.g., increased focus, better sleep, enhanced emotional intelligence)

By addressing these basic foundational inquiries in our platform, you’ll be better equipped to choose microdosing practices that progress your personal journey and aspirations.

Step 3 :

Join Mastermynd

Connect with Like-Minded Souls
Become part of a community that shares your passion for growth. Access resources, workshops, and expert advice exclusive to Mastermynd members. Membership includes daily meditations, bi-weekly reading subscription, private blogs, shared microdosing, free attendance to monthly events, and weekly mastermind.


Step 3 :

Start Personalized Meditations & Develop Profound Realizations

5-Step Process to Tailor Meditations For Your Personal Transformation : Dive Deeper Within YOUR Mind

With meditation sessions tailored to your intentions, embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and realization.

  1. Assessment of Current State : Before diving in, we begin by understanding where you currently are in your personal and spiritual journey. Through a series of reflective questions and interactive tools, we gauge your current level of mindfulness, awareness, and specific challenges or aspirations.
  2. Intention Setting : Once we have a snapshot of your present state, we collaborate with you to set clear intentions for your meditation journey. What do you hope to achieve? Whether it’s cultivating greater inner peace, enhancing emotional intelligence, being present, or simply developing a daily habit, defining this intention is crucial for the tailored experience.
  3. Dynamic Scaling : Using the proven methods, meditations are scaled upward or downward based on your progress and feedback. As you evolve and grow, the meditation sessions will adjust in depth, duration, and focus. This ensures that you’re constantly challenged and engaged, but not overwhelmed.
  4. Feedback Loop Integration : After each meditation session, we encourage users to provide feedback on their experience. Was it too challenging? Too simple? Did any emotions or insights emerge? By integrating this feedback, the subsequent sessions become even more aligned with your unique journey.
  5. Continuous Adaptation: As you dive deeper within and make progress, your goals and intentions might shift. Our platform is designed to adapt continuously. Whether you’re entering a new phase in life, facing a specific challenge, or seeking to explore a new dimension of your being, the meditations will mold to support your evolving needs.

Embarking on this transformative journey of self-discovery and realization, our tailored meditations are your companions, evolving with you every step of the way. Dive deep, grow, and let every meditation be a step closer to your true self.


Step 4 :

Learn if Microdosing is Right for You

Expand Your Horizons
Explore the potential of microdosing as a tool for enhanced personal, spiritual, and creative expansion. Understand its benefits, risks, and whether it aligns with your goals.

Meditation Membership

Tech, Tools, and Therapies


At MYMYNDPROJECT, we stand firmly behind the efficacy and transformative power of our digital programs. Having witnessed the profound positive changes in the lives of thousands of individuals, we are deeply committed to our mission and are confident in the impact our programs can have on your relationships, health, wealth, and overall well-being.

Meditation Community

Daily Meditations: Start each day centered and calm with a new meditation designed to gradually improve your focus and inner peace, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

Bi-Weekly Reading Subscription: Receive carefully selected reading material every two weeks, enriching your knowledge and supporting your meditation practice with cutting-edge insights and ancient wisdom.

Private Blogs: Get exclusive access to members-only blog posts, featuring deep dives into meditation techniques, personal growth stories, and practical advice for living mindfully.

Free Attendance To Monthly Events: Enjoy complimentary tickets to our monthly events, including seminars, guest speaker series, and special meditation gatherings, enhancing community connection and learning.

Weekly Mastermind Sessions: Join the collective intelligence of our community with weekly mastermind groups, where members share experiences, offer support, and collaboratively solve challenges.

Tailored Meditation Paths: Your membership unlocks a journey uniquely crafted to your transformation goals, providing a bespoke experience that adapts to your evolving needs.

Direct Expert Access: Connect with meditation experts and coaches who can guide you through personal challenges, ensuring your practice remains effective and rewarding.

Daily Integration Tips: Receive practical advice on incorporating meditation into your daily life, enhancing your overall wellness and ability to handle stress with ease.

Progress Visualization: Use our personalized tracking tools to measure your growth, witness your progress, and stay motivated by the tangible benefits of your practice.

On-Demand Flexibility: Meditate on your own schedule with our on-demand meditation resources, ensuring you can maintain regular practice, regardless of your lifestyle.

Mindfulness Expertise: Advance your skills in mindfulness, cultivating a heightened state of awareness and presence that transforms every aspect of your life.

Members-Only Retreats: Receive special invitations to exclusive retreats that offer deep dives into meditation practice and the opportunity to connect with fellow members in serene settings.

Complementary Growth Materials: Enjoy a handpicked selection of supplemental content that supports your broader personal development goals, making your meditation practice part of a comprehensive life-enhancing toolkit.

Try Free For Two Weeks

Individualized Microdosing Member

Tech, Tools, and Therapies


If you want something hyper-individualized, embark on a transformative 12-week journey with our specialized microdosing program. Work directly with your personal guide to create a customized microdosing protocol specific to your individual needs. In just 30 minutes a week, we tailor sessions to your unique path of awareness, blending Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) principles for holistic development—cognitive, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Unlock profound growth and self-discovery in an intimately guided experience Secure Checkout.

Microdosing Community

Daily Meditations: Start each day centered and calm with a new meditation designed to gradually improve your focus and inner peace, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

Bi-Weekly Reading Subscription: Receive carefully selected reading material every two weeks, enriching your knowledge and supporting your meditation practice with cutting-edge insights and ancient wisdom.

Private Blogs: Get exclusive access to members-only blog posts, featuring deep dives into meditation techniques, personal growth stories, and practical advice for living mindfully.

Free Attendance To Monthly Events: Enjoy complimentary tickets to our monthly events, including seminars, guest speaker series, and special meditation gatherings, enhancing community connection and learning.

Weekly Mastermind Sessions: Join the collective intelligence of our community with weekly mastermind groups, where members share experiences, offer support, and collaboratively solve challenges.

Tailored Meditation Paths: Your membership unlocks a journey uniquely crafted to your transformation goals, providing a bespoke experience that adapts to your evolving needs.

Direct Expert Access: Connect with meditation experts and coaches who can guide you through personal challenges, ensuring your practice remains effective and rewarding.

Daily Integration Tips: Receive practical advice on incorporating meditation into your daily life, enhancing your overall wellness and ability to handle stress with ease.

Progress Visualization: Use our personalized tracking tools to measure your growth, witness your progress, and stay motivated by the tangible benefits of your practice.

On-Demand Flexibility: Meditate on your own schedule with our on-demand meditation resources, ensuring you can maintain regular practice, regardless of your lifestyle.

Mindfulness Expertise: Advance your skills in mindfulness, cultivating a heightened state of awareness and presence that transforms every aspect of your life.

Members-Only Retreats: Receive special invitations to exclusive retreats that offer deep dives into meditation practice and the opportunity to connect with fellow members in serene settings.

Complementary Growth Materials: Enjoy a handpicked selection of supplemental content that supports your broader personal development goals, making your meditation practice part of a comprehensive life-enhancing toolkit.

  Expert Advice And Resources On Microdosing

  Mynd Infused Mushrooms


At MYMYNDPROJECT, we stand firmly behind the efficacy and transformative power of our digital programs. Having witnessed the profound positive changes in the lives of thousands of individuals, we are deeply committed to our mission and are confident in the impact our programs can have on your relationships, health, wealth, and overall well-being.

Our Promise to You :

If, for any reason, you feel that our program hasn’t resonated with you or brought about the desired changes in your life, we want to make it right. We believe so strongly in our digital content and its ability to transform lives that we’re offering a no-questions-asked, 30-day money-back guarantee.

The Process :

  1. Access & Engage : Dive into the program, engage with the content, and apply the strategies to your daily life.
  2. Reflect : If after genuinely giving it a go, you don’t feel a positive shift in your life or find the value you were expecting, we respect that.
  3. Reach Out : Simply contact our dedicated support team within 30 days of purchase, providing feedback on your experience.
  4. Refund : Once we receive your feedback, we’ll process your full refund.

We are confident in the transformative potential of our programs and want you to experience it risk-free. Your growth, success, and satisfaction are our utmost priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

To your transformative journey!