To Solve A Problem Is To Ackowledge That There Is One

Therefore we believe in providing access to the highest quality resources & education at the lowest cost.


Microdosing Mushrooms PDF Guide

Explore the fundamentals of microdosing with mushrooms in this introductory course. Learn how small doses can positively impact your well-being

Microdosing Calibration Directions

Learn the importance of precise calibration for successful microdosing. Follow clear directions to ensure accuracy and effectiveness in your microdosing routine.

Microdosing Protocols

Discover the significance of meticulously tailoring your microdosing regimen for optimal outcomes. It’s crucial to understand that a one-size-fits-all approach does not apply in the realm of microdosing. Just as individual goals and responses vary, so too should the protocols to meet them.

21-Day Microdosing Embodied Meditations

Neurosomatic meditation serves as a foundational practice for those seeking to deepen their microdosing experiences, creating a harmonious connection between the heart, head, body, and gut. By fostering an awareness of these critical centers of perception and emotion, this form of meditation prepares you to navigate life with less effort and more joy.

Microdosing and Meditation PDF Guide

Deepen your meditation practice with microdosing through this comprehensive PDF guide. Learn how microdosing can enhance mindfulness and unlock new levels of awareness.

E-Books PDF

Explore a handpicked selection of concise e-books that span a wide range of mindfulness topics, including managing emotions, positive psychology, nutritious eating, and effective leadership skills. This collection offers an opportunity to broaden your understanding and engage more profoundly with the emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual aspects of life.
Intentions Cover

Setting Your Intentions

“Setting Your Intentions” is crucial for a microdosing journey with mushrooms. This involves clarifying what you hope to achieve and focusing on specific goals before each session. By setting clear intentions, you can enhance the purpose of your microdosing experience, whether for creativity, improved mood, or personal growth.


Integrating insights from microdosing with mushrooms maximizes its benefits. This process involves reflecting, making connections, and applying perspectives to daily life. By practicing integration, solidify positive changes and cultivate a holistic approach to personal growth. Embrace the journey to harmonize lessons learned from microdosing into everyday existence.


Visualize and assess various areas of your life. This tool divides life into key categories like health, relationships, career, and personal development. By examining each segment, you gain insights into areas needing attention and can set balanced goals for overall improvement. Use the “Wheel of Life” to navigate and enhance different aspects of your life journey effectively.

Map of Consciousness

Gain insight into various microdosing protocols to find the one that suits you best. Explore different schedules, dosages, and frequencies to optimize your microdosing experience.


Your 12 Step MyMyndProject Journey

Ordinary Life


Status quo / Starting Point


Call for Change


Engages with MyMyndProject

Peak Performance Preparation


Prepares for and Commits to the Journey


Encounter Benefits and Challenges


Turns Inward/Start connecting to peak performance

The Special World “Altered State” Microdosing Cycle


Utilizes supporting practices to overcome challenges


Reflects on observatinos to turn them into insights


Shifting focus from self to collective

Your New Everyday Life


Past fades, living fully in now


Ease in life’s endeavors, flow state


Life’s experiences deepen, vividly enriched

Join our webinar

Discover Microdosing: Dive into the world of microdosing with experts. Understand its benefits, risks, and what it means for you. Reserve your spot now and explore how microdosing is changing the game. Register today and be part of the conversation!

Systems You Can Control

  1. The Science Of Meditation and Microdosing Psilocybin : Meditation impacts the brain and body in ways that foster relaxation, awareness, and an expanded sense of self. Scientifically, meditation has been shown to decrease activity in the Default Mode Network (DMN), the brain network associated with mind-wandering, rumination, and the ego or self-referential thoughts. This quieting of the DMN parallels the effects seen with psilocybin, suggesting a synergy between meditation and microdosing in cultivating a state of mindful presence and reduced overthinking.
  2. Spiritual Context and External Problems : Both meditation and microdosing psilocybin open doorways to deeper spiritual understanding by revealing that many of our problems are external and often outside our direct control. This realization is pivotal, as it shifts our focus from attempting to control the external world to cultivating an inner sanctuary of peace and resilience. The practice teaches us that the power to shape our experiences lies within our perceptions, attitudes, and responses.
  3. DISSOLUTION OF “I” AND UNDERSTANDING OF SEPARATION : One of the most profound effects of combining meditation with microdosing psilocybin is the dissolution of the ego or the concept of “I.” This experience of ego dissolution enables you to observe your thoughts, emotions, and experiences as separate from your sense of self. It offers a clearer perspective on the various parts of your internal system, promoting an understanding that these parts do not define you but are aspects of your experience. This separation is crucial for overcoming challenges and moving through different levels of consciousness with greater ease and insight.

Empowering Resources for Transformation

Dive into the depths of self-awareness with our exclusive resources, offering valuable insights to kickstart your journey towards profound self-discovery. Utilize these tools to craft a roadmap for intentional and transformative change.

Embracing Microdosing

Exploring Microdosing for Well-Being

Microdosing Mushrooms is at the forefront of enhancing performance, elevating consciousness, and cultivating happiness. Here are some of the main potential benefits :
  1. Unlock Your Creative Potential : Experience a surge in creative thinking and problem-solving capabilities. This boost can be a game-changer for personal projects, artistic pursuits, or innovative demands in your career.
  2. Elevate Your Mood : Discover a more positive outlook on life with an uplifted mood, characterized by increased optimism, happiness, and a sense of contentment.
  3. Ease Anxiety : Find relief from anxiety symptoms, paving the way for calmer, more serene days.
  4. Sharpen Your Focus : Enhance your concentration and dive deeper into your work or studies, achieving a state of flow more effortlessly.
  5. Boost Your Energy and Alertness : Feel more energized and alert throughout the day, enjoying the benefits of stimulation without the unwanted side effects of traditional stimulants.
  6. Embrace Openness : Cultivate a greater openness to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives, enriching your personal development and fostering growth.
  7. Alleviate Depression : Microdosing offers a ray of hope for those seeking to lighten the heavy load of depression, providing a gentle lift from its depths.
  8. Intensify Sensory Experiences : Elevate your sensory perception, making colors appear more vivid, tastes richer, and music more absorbing, enhancing your appreciation of the world around you.
  9. Reduced Mitigate Migraines : Those suffering from migraines may find significant relief in frequency and intensity, thanks to the therapeutic potential of microdosed psilocybin.
  10. Deepen Emotional Processing : Facilitate a healthier engagement with your emotions, aiding in processing and understanding emotional experiences with greater clarity and insight.

Download Microdosing Guides:
A Deep Dive Into The Past, Present, and Future

Download Microdosing Guide

Download Microdosing Guide

Download Microdosing Guide

Research, Education, And Practice


  • Self regulated(does not require a license, specific education or experience).
  • Minimal restrictions on how or where you can offer services.
  • Understand diagnoses and behaviors associated with diagnoses.
  • Refers out for crisis management and intervention.
  • Identifies obstacles and problematic behaviors in order to create action plans to achieve desired results.


  • Government Regulated (requires specific education, licensing, cont. education)
  • Government restrictions on how and where you can offer services
  • Offers psychological testing and diagnosing guided by the DSM
  • Deals with crisis management and intervention
  • Diagnoses and offers treatment plans for problematic beliefs and behaviors

Coaches & Therapsists

  • Offer Active Listening
  • Are Compassionate
  • Are Neutral
  • Are Non-Judgemental
  • Support Behavior Change
  • Foster Authentic and Meaningful
  • Empower Clients
  • Are Trauma-Informed
  • Require Broad Skillsets
  • Are driven byethical standards
  • Are focused on providing a safe container

Empowerment Through Understanding

Enter the path of overcoming depression with our Antidepressant & Psychedelic Drug Interaction Chart. Equip yourself to make informed decisions in consultation with your healthcare provider, ensuring a safe and effective journey towards a brighter future.

Embrace a Joyful Journey

Embark on a conscious journey by first taking the Consciousness Quiz to gauge your self-awareness. Reflect on your results to set clear intentions for change. Join the community for resources and begin tailored meditation sessions and uncover your current consciousness level. Finally, consider the potential of microdosing to further expand your personal and spiritual horizons.


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